Harvey L. Golubock Bradford Business Competition Fund Established
Harvey L. Golubock Bradford Business Competition Fund Established
The “Harvey L. Golubock Bradford Business Competition Fund” has been established at the McKean County Community Foundation (MCCF) to fund the future of the recently publicized Bradford Business Competition. The Bradford Area Alliance has announced the re-igniting of this brand new business competition for startups and new business ventures of existing businesses. The McKean County Community Foundation is a non-profit organization that strives to strengthen our region through development, stewardship and grant making as it works with donors to achieve their philanthropic goals. With plans for futures awards and competitions the Community Foundation is accepting donation to grow the fund.
Contributions of any amount can be mailed to the MCCF, PO Box 708, Bradford, PA, 16701 (checks payable to the McKean County Community Foundation, with the “Harvey L. Golubock Bradford Business Competition Fund” in the memo line). All contributions have maximum tax deductibility. With dedicated effort, the potential income from the fund will secure future competitions for many years.
The naming of its new competition the “Harvey L. Golubock Bradford Business Competition” in honor of and in recognition of the illustrious career and tremendous impact Harvey Golubock had in the Bradford (PA) region. The competition will distribute a monetary award in seed capital and may also may include in-kind services to the winner. The plan is for an annual business competition looking to entice aspiring or budding entrepreneurs to move from idea-to-vision-to-market.
For more information about making a donation to the MCCF visit their website at www.mckcountyfoundation.org or by calling the Community Foundation at 844-238-2289. When donating on line, be sure to put the Fund name section of the Donation form.
Picture: Harvey Golubock