Women’s Giving Circle of McKean County
Chef’s Table at Eddie’s on Main
will be held on Thursday August 3, 2023
Join us as we celebrate and taste the bounty of the summer herb garden at
Eddie’s on Main 212 N. Main Street, Port Allegany! We will be combining our favorite earth’s bounty of garden grown produce with delectable herbs.
You will enjoy 5 culinary courses along with a delicious mocktail.
The evening includes wine tastings by Little Mountain Winery.
Additional wine will be available for purchase by the glass or bottle.
Reservations needed by July 27– $55 per person
This includes tax and gratuity.
BYOB your favorite cocktail in its original bottle.
(see attached form to reserve your spot)
All women are invited and encouraged to bring their family and friends.
We will also have a raffle for an Eddie’s on Main gift certificate with a basket of cheer.