A scholarship fund can be created to accomplish specific education objectives. It can be designated for any level of education, from preschool to postgraduate work. Donors may designate a particular field of study, select eligibility requirements and define a fund’s advisory committee.
- Addie’s Vegetable Stand Pass-Through Scholarship
- Andrew Pingie Scholarship Fund
- Andrew Taylor Recognition Award
- Andrus Family Good Citizenship Award
- ARG Employee Scholarship Fund
- BAHS & BCCHS Class of 1964 Scholarship
- BAHS Class of 1960 Scholarship
- Barbara L. Boser Memorial Scholarship
- Bernard Feiro Golf Memorial Scholarship
- Bradford Area Fire Department Scholarship
- Bradford Creative and Performing Arts Center BCPAC Scholarship Fund
- Bradford Kiwanis Club Technical Scholarship
- Bradford Rotary Scholarship
- Carrie B. Sauers Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Chuck Daly Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Diana J. Hulings Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Duane Anthony Vicini Scholarship Fund
- Ellen Marie Hulings Nursing Scholarship
- Elzear Kalstrom Schoch English Scholarship
- Ernest C. Tanner Memorial Scholarship
- Garrick S. Anderson Memorial Scholarship
- Gary Meckley Scholarship Fund
- Gentilman Family Scholarships
- Gigliotti-Plano Student Support
- Hannold Family Memorial Scholarship
- Helene Nawrocki Memorial Scholarship
- Honey Lee Colella Education Scholarship
- Jeff & Shelli Johnson Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Jerry and Nancy Haberberger Memorial Scholarship
- Joanna Feceks Memorial Scholarship sponsored by the Catholic Daughters of America
- Joe Stanko Memorial Scholarship
- Joe Tantalo Scholarhip
- John & Donna Hulings Scholarship Fund
- Julianna Rose Barton Memorial Scholarship
- June Howard Scholarship
- Kane Day School Scholarship Fund
- Kane High School Alumni Scholarship
- Kiwanis Club Scholarship
- Kristie Chase Memorial Scholarship
- Larry & Mary Bradigan Family Scholarship of HOPE
- Lisa Pecora Scholarship
- Martha A. Eddy Memorial Scholarship
- Martin K. Henneman Memorial Scholarship
- Mary Mottey Memorial Scholarship
- Pastor Craig Smith Memorial Scholar
- Peyton Kirk Memorial Scholarship
- Pink Langainese Memorial Scholarship
- Richard Dana Benton/Bradford Kiwanis Club Scholarship
- Rodney Schoch Band Scholarship
- Samuel F. Heffner, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
- Sashy and Gladys Kane Perpetual Scholarship Fund
- Scott M. Hickey Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Staff Sgt. Carl Enis Military Scholarship
- Steven Jerman Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Susan Swanson Memorial Internship Scholarship sponsored by AHUG
- Thomas E. Frair Scholarship
- Timothy Eyssen Memorial Scholarship
- Tristan Sauers Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Verna Wooditch Memorial Scholarship Fund
- Vicki L. Streit Memorial Scholarship
A few years ago the Bradford Area School District established a partnership with the McKean County Community Foundation (MCCF) to place their scholarship funds with the Foundation to help grow and administer the school district’s scholarship program.
Groups and individuals continue to establish funds at the McKean County Community Foundation. The Foundation handles all of the administrative details for you, while your generosity works to make a difference in your community.
Many donors from the area have started a fund in honor of someone, in memory of a loved one, or in tribute to a family name or organization.
When you are ready, we’ll help you create something special by connecting you with causes that matter to you.
Types of Funds
Scholarship Fund
Agency Endowment Fund
Non-profit organizations create permanent endowment funds that provide annual income to the organization.
Unrestricted Fund
An unrestricted fund is your broadest option. These general funds allow the Foundation the flexibility to address your community’s changing needs through strategic grant making each year. Rather than designating how the money will be spent, you allow the Foundation to determine the most effective ways to meet our community’s most compelling opportunities and most pressing needs.
Designated Fund
A designated fund allows you to name a particular charity or charities, or field of interest to benefit from your fund in perpetuity. The Foundation provides oversight to ensure that the gift is used exactly as you intended. Finally, you have the assurance that, should the designated charity cease to exist, the Foundation’s Board will preserve your intent by redirecting the fund toward the closest similar use.
Donor Advised Fund
Donors who want to be actively involved with their philanthropy may make grant recommendations to the Board of Directors, which retains final responsibility for all distributions.